خرائط العالم 38 | World 38 Map

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.






السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته ..

طبعا بما انه تقريبا كل الخرائط خربانه قررت احدثها بنفسي :$

اخلي بصمة بالمنتدى العتيق ذا

اني واي خلينا نعطيكم الخرائط

افضل القبائل - Top Tribes


اعلى متوسط نقاط القبيلة - Top Average Point Tribes


الاحتلالات الحديثة - Recent Conquers


نسبة السيطرة - Tribal Dominance


افضل اللاعبين - Top Players


افضل نقاط الهجوم - Highest ODA


اعلى نقاط الدفاع - Highest OD


نسبة سيطرة اللاعبين - Player Dominance


اسرع النبلاء - Fastest Noblers


معلومات الخرائط

: Top Tribes

.Simply the top 15 tribes

Average Points/Player

The 15 tribes with the highest average points per player. Note this is total points over total players, not the top 40. Also, tribes must have a minimum of 5 players to be shown on this map

Recent Conquers

The last 48 hours of tribal conquers

Tribal Dominance

Shows the largest and second largest tribe in each continent, over the top of the Top Tribes map. The percentages are calculated including all of the tribeless players, to get 100% dominance there must be no players outside the tribe in the K

Top Players

Again, simply the top 15 players

Highest ODA

As it says on the tin - the 15 players with the highest ODA

Highest OD

The 15 players with the highest total OD

Player Dominance

Shows the largest and second largest player in each continent, over the top of the Top Players map

Fastest Noblers

The 15 fastest nobling players on the server. This is calculated by dividing their total number of conquers by the number of days since their first conquer. The numbers by a players name are in units of villages per day. Nobling a village from yourself does not count, but it does count villages you noble and lose again - it is total conquers, not current number of villages. A player must have conquered at least 5 villages to show up on this map




في امان الله :)
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.